Genes vs. Lifestyle - Which one controls your health?

eating for your genes Nov 12, 2018

We all have heard of someone who smoked since they were a teen and lived to 80 plus years and never got lung cancer.  On the other hand, we all have heard of a person who never smoked and got lung cancer in their 50’s. How does that happen?  We know that smoking is a very negative health and lifestyle habit that has the potential to cause disease but why are some people affected more than others?  The answer may be in our genes. APOE is an apolipoprotein that is a genetic marker in our body. There are three types of APOE2, APOE3 and APOE4. We get one gene from each parent, for example, an individual may have a E3/E4 or a E2/E3 or even a E3/E3 to name a few.  People who have the genomic makeup with a APOE 4 are more sensitive to smoking, while it is advised everyone avoids this deadly habit it is especially important for E4 people

APOE4 genotype people make less APOE than other genotypes.  The deficiency of this lipoprotein can not only cause the...

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